Driving The Porcelain Bus: Olivia Chow’s Budget Speech

http://www.oliviachow.ca/2012/06/budget-bill-read-olivias-speech/ The Conservatives are pushing their Trojan Horse budget bill through Parliament in a reckless manner. But worse than mocking our democracy is the devastating effect this bill will have on families, Olivia Chow points out in her speech. Olivia on the Conservative Budget: What does a job mean to

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Accidental Deliberations: On trade-offs

Much of the recent discussion as to how to develop a strong and sustainable Canadian economy has included absolutely no challenge to the theory that natural resource development is somehow a driver of increased jobs. So let’s take a closer look at the relative economic contributions of the natural resource

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The Liberal Scarf: Conservative attacks on eco groups should give LPC an opportunity to reach out

A lot has been written about the attacks on environmental groups in the recent Conservative budget, most of it negative, such as this Globe and Mail editorial: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/opinions/editorials/budgets-new-rules-unfairly-target-environmental-groups/article2387590/ While the Conservatives are wasting your tax dollars to go after legitimate environmental groups (full disclosure: I am currently working part time

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