Anti-Racist Canada: The ARC Collective: Hate Groups Claim To Be Acting As Security For Pam Geller and Ezra Levant Anti-Muslim Event Hosted By Jewish Defence League in Toronto; One Group Promotes Antisemitic Conspiracy Theories

Posted to Facebook on October 30, 2017 A few weeks back ARC noticed the following post by Bryan Trottier, the head of the Ontario branch of La Meute and someone who has been charges with domestic abuse: Trottier is referring to the film, "Killing Europe," and especially vile piece of

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Anti-Racist Canada: The ARC Collective: Ronny Cameron’s October 21 Rally Polarizes Toronto Far Right

Islamophobe and "I-can't-be-racist-because-some-of-my-best-friends-are-Black" bigot Ronny Cameron has been promoting himself as a leader of men for some time now, however he hasn't really done much himself other than bother people at progressive events by engaging in poorly argued "gotcha" interviews with attendees after which he declares himself the winner. Most

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Anti-Racist Canada: The ARC Collective: Events in Charlottesville, VA: Some Canadian Racists React (Part II)

ARC continues to watch the fall-out from the Charlottesville “Unite the Right” rally and counter protest. It didn’t take long for Charlottesville “truthers” including Canadians to emerge suggesting that the murder of Heather Heyer was either: A false flag. An accident precipitated by the actions of the counter protesters. Committed by a

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