Impolitical: Today in Robocon

1. There’s a huge story in the Star that will move Robocon much further down the road: “Conservative scripts misdirected voters in 2011 election, say call centre staff.“ Callers on behalf of the federal Conservative Party were instructed in the days before last year’s election to read scripts telling voters

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The Liberal Scarf: Harper wants $80 million of your tax dollars to creep your emails That’s what it’ll cost you to give Stephen Harper the privlidge to look through your email’s and browsing history. It’s going to cost at least $80 million to implement the government’s lawful access bill to force internet and telecommunications service providers to collect customer information in case police need

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Impolitical: Hilarious spin

Well now, he is the omniscient one: “Harper sensed cyber outrage was looming.” Prime Minister Stephen Harper had already made the decision to kick a controversial cyber crime bill to committee even before Opposition howled because he sensed a public backlash was rolling his way, QMI Agency has learned. Harper

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This is my SOS to the world

A tiny community called out to world.  And the world answered.  Foreign aid arrived in Canada courtesy environmental organizations which, if you’ll remember, dear Reader, are “radical groups” with “radical agendas” trying to “derail” the Northern Gateway Pipeline project. Our radical agenda, backed by independent science, demands acknowledgement that the

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DeSmogBlog: Unethical Oil: Why Is Canada Killing Wolves and Muzzling Scientists To Protect Tar Sands Interests?

shutterstock_71225605.jpg In the latest and perhaps most astonishing display of the tar sands industry’s attacks on science and our democracy, the government of Alberta has made plans to initiate a large-scale wolf slaughter to provide cover for the destruction wrought by the industrialization of the boreal forest ecosystem. In the coming

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