Maybe it’s just me

…but today’s National Post carries a headline that made me do a doubletake to find out if it was about a real story or just an analogy for the Great Out-of-Control Debt Ceiling Debate that’s been dragging on in the States lately.  Kn…

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Canada’s government has experienced shrinkage?

At least according to the Wall Street Journal.   “Why Canada is beating America” is a concept I imagine is rarely pondered south of the border, primarily because in that neck of the woods the prevailing opinion is that nobody beats them at anything, ever.  But the Wall Street Journal boldly goes there, and I […]

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T(bag)-minus 3 days til Debtmageddon

I knew this day would come, and finally, it’s arrived… but incredibly, it’s much worse than I ever anticipated. I refer to the furious fracas going on south of the border over raising the US Debt Ceiling:  that  wholly self-inflicted hemorrhaging scalp wound in the American economic psyche also known as “The Debt Crisis”. As […]

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Ten years later

…former Preznit Georgie W Bush finally explains the embarrassingly protracted 7-minute-long brain fart that was his response to the news that New York City and the Pentagon were in utter devastation and the nation was under attack: Former U.S. President George W. Bush says his apparent lack of reaction to the first news of the […]

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