Impolitical: It matters

Just wanted to pick up on a thought in Warren Kinsella’s post on the release of the Auditor General’s report today: “Lying liars.”

The Auditor General’s report has confirmed what came up during the election, that there was serious non-disclosure to Pa…

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#G20 fallout: What @pogge411 and @canadianlefty said

Links here and here. Lefty’s post is a long one, but definitely worth the time. It’s all about the not-so-subtle message from last June: activism and dissent are dangerous. Stay home, shut up, and do as you’re told.

In fact, it was precisely this suggestion that drew yours truly into the blogosphere in the first place. After that shameful display of shitkicking, curbstomping, kettling, gang-rape threatening, prosthetic-leg-stealing, horse-trampling, tear-gassing and rubber-bullet-shooting by the cops, it’s not hard to imagine that a lot of people are going to think twice about taking to the streets.

And wouldn’t that be convenient for Stephen Harper, Dalton McGuinty and their corporate string-pullers.

In fact, just this morning, yours truly almost got pulled into an exchange on the Tweeter centred on the whole “you should have stayed home” argument.

Mea culpa. There are times when facing that sort of thing is almost enough to pull me out of the snide, condescending, snarky persona I usually affect, and into stuttering, spittle-flecked rage. And that isn’t helping anyone or anything. Apologies all round.

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Polygonic: Some summit perspective

G8 times are here again! And France gets its day in the sun as host, which clearly heralds the ascent of a new French Order in Europe and the world. It will inevitably send their newspapers and TV chat hosts into a month-long tizzy of neurotic self-congratulation and overblown patriotism. Nicolas Sarkozy will almost certainly […]

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