Anti-Racist Canada: The ARC Collective: "Save the Children East Meets West" on the move… so long as (a) their cars don’t break down, (b) they don’t run out of gas, or (c) someone can pick them up on the way.

First a quick update. It appears that there what have been described as convoys from Quebec today that began today. Norman Blanchfield, who began his drive in Alberta, is currently broken down on the roadside 17 hours away. Gordon Berry also seems to be struggling with car problems: Blanchfield also

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Anti-Racist Canada: The ARC Collective: Alberta Has Declared Dean "Sovereign" Clifford To Be A Vexatious Litigant

I’ve occasionally wondered what the self-proclaimed Wolverdean has been up to since he was released from prison after having received a three years sentence on drugs and weapons charges related to his “freeman-on-the-land” pseudo-legal woo. Upon his release Dean was relatively quiet and wasn’t the tax avoiding go-to guru he had

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