Northern Reflections: A Poltical Willy Loman

                                              For the last ten years, Stephen Harper has been trying to remake Canada in his own image. Alan Freeman writes that, despite his Herculean efforts, Harper has failed. Want the proof? Consider his Heritage  Department’s attempt to identify the ten most influential Canadians: Topping

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Northern Reflections: For Who And What He Is

                                      Carol Goar has an interesting column in today’s Toronto Star. She writes that this election has held a mirror up to us and forced us to face some hard truths — some good, some not so good. Among the not so good is the notion

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Northern Reflections: It’s No Wonder

                                               I have suggested on several occasions that the ghost which lurks in Stephen Harper’s closet is Richard Nixon. But Marie Marguerite Sabongui, writing in The Guardian, suggests that the ghost which haunts Harperland is of more recent vintage — George W. Bush. She makes a compelling case. The

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