350 or bust: Raised Beds And Riots

Another Monday and my hugelkultur piles aren’t done; in fact they are growing daily;  I didn’t realize they were like rabbits, and would start reproducing at a crazy rate!  As any of you gardeners out there know, when it’s time to get the garden ready, there’s no rest until it’s

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350 or bust: For My Grandchildren

From the March 2012 TED Conference in Long Beach California, NASA climate scientist Dr. James Hansen speaks about why he must speak out climate change. A powerful and moving video – please watch, and share with your family and friends, and on social media. * Do you want to become

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350 or bust: The Earth Is Full

For TED talk Tuesday, here’s Paul Gilding, author of The Great Disruption: Why Climate Change Will Bring About The End of Shopping And the Birth of A New World. At TED 2012 Gilding addressed the issue of whether or not we humans have used up all our resources. While the first

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