Trashy's World: Drought…

Most of North America has seen a remarkable paucity of precipitation this summer. While this has been heaven for sun bathers, it has been a disaster for crops across the continent. Expect food prices to sky rocket this fall! Another effect of dry weather are increased numbers and the intensity

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Trashy's World: Friday miscellany…

… summer doldrums edition… +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I hate guns. I really do. And I did long before all of this tragic shit that has gone down in Scarborough and now in Colorado. Don’t give me that crap about gun ownership being a right or not having to worry about lawful owners

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350 or bust: This Is Not Cool

This extraordinary mild winter in North America, followed by an unprecedentedly warm march, has shocked a lot of people who formerly dismissed the reality of climate change.  In addition, several years of violent tornado seasons have many asking if we are entering a “new Normal” in regard to our seasons.

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