Alberta Politics: OK, he said nothing new, but why did Justin Trudeau’s pipeline presser make Conservatives so angry?

Conservatives’ faux shock at Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s relatively news free pipeline construction announcement in Edmonton last week was a thing to behold. The tone generally was, “there oughtta be a law,” to wit, a law against making announcements when you have nothing to announce. Only with considerably harsher language,

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Warren Kinsella: Dimples? Simple

Dimples. That’s what you actually get some Trudeau trolls nattering about online: Andrew Scheer’s dimples. Seriously. For some reason beyond the understanding of sane people, the Trudeaupian types think that the Conservative leader’s dimples disqualify him as a candidate for Prime Minister. They go on about it all the time.

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Accidental Deliberations: Wednesday Morning Links

Miscellaneous material for your mid-week reading. – Nick Hanauer discusses the futility of “educationism” which treats schools as the only factor in social outcomes without recognizing the importance of inequality and precarity in restricting opportunities for far too many children. And PressProgress points out that Brian Pallister’s Manitoba PCs –

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Accidental Deliberations: Tuesday Morning Links

This and that for your Tuesday reading. – Heather Mallick discusses the pattern of right-wing governments obsessing over undoing the good done by their predecessors, rather than paying the slightest attention to the public interest. And Mariana Mazzucato and Josh Ryan-Collins examine (PDF) about the importance of having leaders who

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