daveberta.ca - Alberta politics blog: sparks will fly as party leaders take off their gloves at tonight’s “make or break” televised debate.

The televised leaders' debate starts tonight at 6:30pm. Tonight’s hotly anticipated televised Leaders’ Debate will be the first time that the four main party leaders have debated each other in this format. All eyes will be on Progressive Conservative Premier Alison Redford and Wildrose Party leader Danielle Smith, but do

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David Climenhaga's Alberta Diary: One True Conservative Party and Other One True Conservative Party now said in dead heat

A typical Alberta soccer mom contemplates the differences between the province’s two conservative parties. The one on the left has indicated stronger support for public health care. According to the latest poll, Alberta’s election race has tightened significantly, and the province’s One True Conservative Party is now in a statistical

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David Climenhaga's Alberta Diary: Ambiguous Wildrose abortion statements emerge as NDP support jumps in Edmonton

Wildrose Apocalypse? Abortion chatter sparks new fears about Wildrose as poll shows NDP mini-surge in Edmonton. Below: NDP Leader Brian Mason. Are residents of the Edmonton region, as disgusted with the antics of the long-ruling Progressive Conservatives as other Albertans, starting to have second thoughts about far-right Wildrose Party’s largely

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David Climenhaga's Alberta Diary: Albertans deserve a straight answer: Where does Danielle Smith stand on ‘conscience rights’?

Wildrose Leader Danielle Smith. (Photo by Dave Cournoyer.) Where does Danielle Smith stand on ‘conscience rights’? With Ms. Smith’s Wildrose Party quite possibly in a position to win a majority government on April 23, Albertans deserve an unequivocal answer to this question. Right now, they’re not getting it. Instead, Ms.

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David Climenhaga's Alberta Diary: Wildrose strategists snarl at media to keep their overextended bubble unpricked

A bubble of Wildrose Party support hovers over Edmonton Journal political columnist Graham Thomson. Actual Alberta political writers may not appear exactly as illustrated. Below: The real Mr. Thomson; Dave Cournoyer. Sitting atop an unexpectedly huge bubble of public support with only three weeks to go before Alberta’s provincial election,

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