update to Truth in Journalism

After my last post, I sent a letter to Kirk LaPointe, the CBC Ombudsman. Mr. LaPointe, I am writing to lodge a complaint about a story that is incorrect.  I refer to the story published Friday, December 2, 2011, http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/story/2011/12/02/bc-first-nation-signs-pipeline-deal.html This story incorrectly attributed the title of chief to a

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Talking ‘Bout That Gggg-Ghettoization

Huffington Post Canada has carried a joint paper published by Queens University, The University of Toronto and Statistics Canada that shows Canadians are increasingly becoming ghettoized by income. The paper represent the difference that the income gap has grown between the richest and poorest neighbourhoods in Canada’s largest metropolitan areas. The

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UC Davis Chancellor Katehi’s perp walk

Dawg and others have posted this but it’s powerful enough to post once again. This is indeed powerful; Dr. Katehi walking to her car, passing by OccupyUCDavis seated in absolute silence. This is an iconic video, representing the perp and the peaceful. UPDATE: More from someone close to the scene: A pretty remarkable thing

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