RedBedHead: Three Reasons Why Ford Should Stay

Everyone’s clamouring for Ford to resign: he lied, he smoked crack, he was wasted on the job, the city needs a competent administration. Balls, I say. I’ve seen competent administrations and I can say for certain in the present climate that a “competent administration” will focus its attention on further austerity and attacking those who resist austerity. Need I remind that the entire left wing

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BigCityLib Strikes Back: Star Front Page?

The story’s not on-line yet.  Source of image is their editor: #robford #mayorford says he knew where the video was hidden, Star is told. Front page Thursday.— Michael Cooke (@TorStarEditor) May 30, 2013 PS.   Here is the story.  From its contents, I would guess that the staffers who

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