cartoon life: Bell Hell

Cancelled the landline phone. Now we have no third party internet. Seems like Bell will have to come to replace the wire. Yes the physical wire belongs to Bell. And what are they replacing the physical cable with? A physical cable. Only this physical cable belongs to Teksavvy. And Bell

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cartoon life: A shaggy black dog

This is our childhood dog. His name was Scotty. Who knows why. He makes a number of appearances in my sisters little commemorative memoir and biographical book about her life and childhood adventures in our neighbourhood East of Adelaide in London Ontario. Book and ebooks to come soon. There will be a post about it […]

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cartoon life: Shaving time

I probably would have stayed with the same brand. But it’s too difficult to match things up. I have two big brand name handles bought in the last year, because I previously bought blade cartridges that didn’t fit the previous handle I was using. Can’t find that handle. Whenever my daughter comes home from college, […]

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cartoon life: Really it is no solution at all.

Google+, otherwise quite good, is broken on mobile devices, where I used it. I had been, consequently, otherwise distracted by a mobile app called Plag. This post earned nearly 5,000 shares. Whereas this extreme, Swiftian, despairing and evil idea gained 180 shares and earned a lot of outrage and engagement.Filed under: comment, political Tagged: Despair and […]

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