Rusty Idols: Wild Rose promises to waste your tax dollars…

…by attempting to discriminate against gays and women seeking reproductive services, guaranteed to cause legal challenges equally guaranteed to be decided against the Alberta Government after expensive legal battles with preordained results. So called ‘Conscience Rights’ have been decisively adjudicated.  People in government licensed positions like Marriage Commissioners MAY NOT

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Rusty Idols: Pandering to Hate

Throughout his career, whenever his job was on the line French president Nicolas Sarkozy has never shied away from pandering to the worst instincts of the French people. With the polls showing that the French are abandoning the political center and that the more xenophobic have begin to flock to

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Red Tory v.3.0.3: Online Privacy

Rick Mercer lays a smack-down on Vic Toews and Bill C-30, his warrantless online spying legislation. Remember folks… you’re either with the philandering old pervert accused of shtupping his babysitter or you’re with the pedophiles and child pornographers. Sorry, but those are the only available choices on offer in Harperland.

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