David Climenhaga's Alberta Diary: What Danielle Smith thinks and why Alison Redford’s Tories aren’t fear mongering about it

Typical Albertans react to fear mongering by … well, by anyone, really. We frighten extremely easily out here on the Great Plains. Typical Albertans may not be exactly as illustrated – then again, according to the Wildrose Party, they may be. Below: Wildrose Leader Danielle Smith, “Progressive” Conservative Leader Alison

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the reeves report: Supreme Court of Canada to help clarify what constitutes hate speech

The Supreme Court of Canada is being asked to draw the line between what constitutes free speech and what crosses the faint line into hate mongering. The case against William Whatcott, an unabashedly anti-homosexual Lutheran proselytizer in Saskatchewan, will have lasting implications about where Canadians and Canadian courts should draw the line between protecting what … Continue reading »

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Me on Twitter, May 28, 2011 (limited to 140 characters):It appears that smarter people than me seem to agree:Here’s University of Ottawa Professor Errol Mendes, cited in a Toronto Star article three days later about party financing (emphasis added):Yet…

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Democratic Progress: Polygamy

Today’s G&M argues that “[b]arring polygamy remains a reasonable limit on religious freedom and a potent reminder that the law must protect the vulnerable and the equality rights and human dignity of women and children”.  Their evidence is that the fo…

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