Power & Politics question of the day: "Does ‘Vikileaks’ undermine Liberal credibility on robocalls?" When will this false equivalence end?

CK of Sister Sage’s Musings has a wonderful post asking why Bob Rae apologized for Vikileaks. Good question but what hit me hardest about the post was this gem regarding a poll question from Evan Solomon’s Power & Politics. The question asks: “Does ‘Vikileaks’ undermine Liberal credibility on robocalls?” What? That

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David Climenhaga's Alberta Diary: Conservative MP Brent Rathgeber on the long-gun registry: welfare state social engineering, or what?

Edmonton-St. Albert MP Brent Rathgeber, in naval costume, gets off some potshots with a Glock, or something. Below: Another shot Brent in a military getup. Note the flag, I swear I dragged this photo straight off his website without even passing it through Photoshop! Remember guys, when you’re looking down

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Sun News Network + Jason Kenney = frothy mixture

If you ever wanted to combine the worst of Conservatism – that frothy mixture of deceit, barely-veiled racism and amoral opportunism – look no further than the perfect marriage of the Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism and Fox News North. Six federal bureaucrats were drafted to pose as new Canadians for a citizenship reaffirmation

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Impolitical: Reimagine CBC

A new effort that coincides with the Conservatives’ renewed attack on the public broadcaster as Parliament has resumed: “Reimagine CBC.” Leadnow.ca is driving the idea: From the digital revolution to political pressure and potential budget cuts, the CBC is under enormous stress and journalism in Canada is in crisis. (Just

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