Scott's DiaTribes: Higher standards

I have to disagree with my blogging colleague Jymn over his way about the different ways the Democratic Party and Republican Party handle scandals.

I’d rather a party not lower itself to the level of the other guys and say “well – they did it too!”. It’s not on the same scale of this sex scandal, but the Conservative Party up here has often whined like that about “the Liberals did it too, or were far worse” when pointed out their various indiscretions.. not exactly inspiring stuff for a party that promised to do better and clean things up. It didn’t affect them this election, but it will […]

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Scott's DiaTribes: The CPC funding strategy: always look for enemies.

Now that the Liberals are decimated and the Conservatives have a majority government, that once favourite whipping boy for raising donations among its base is gone, so it will have to revert to other boogey-people.

The NDP it won’t touch for another 3 1/2 years, so it’s decided that the new threat to Conservative Party values is the media:

Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s Conservative Party is calling on supporters to dip into their wallets to help the party counter a new foe. In a letter sent out in the past few days, Conservative Party President John Walsh is urging supporters to help the party counter a “hailstorm” of […]

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