daveberta.ca - Alberta politics: Fair Elections Act would introduce Alberta-style partisan elections officials

TweetA proposed amendment to Canada’s Elections Act would introduce handpicked partisan elections officials into the current non-partisan election process. The ‘Fair Elections Act,’ a sweeping act introduced by Conservative minister Pierre Poilievre, includes an amendment to Section 124 of the Elections Act which would give the incumbent candidate, riding association

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daveberta.ca - Alberta politics: Gun-toting conservatives take aim at Macleod by-election candidate

Tweet“Just say no-to-Barlow!” was the message broadcast to the 15,941 followers of the National Firearms Association Facebook page. The National Rifle Association‘s Canadian cousins hope to drag down John Barlow, a candidate for the Macleod Conservative Party of Canada by-election nomination who they claim supports the RCMP seizure of firearms from abandoned houses during last year’s

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