Like porn? You won’t like a Santorum presidency.

In another sign just how dangerous to freedom and the American way Rick Santorum really is, this statement from the presidential contender should send chills down one’s spine. Current federal “obscenity” laws prohibit distribution of hardcore (obscene) pornography on the Internet, on cable/satellite TV, on hotel/motel TV, in retail shops

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The Turning of the C-30 Screw continues

Although the government appears to be backing off from introducing their intrusive new internet snooping/spying/sticking-their-noses-in-the-citizens’-private-business bill, today Anonymous once again takes to YouTube to speak for angry Canuckistanian web surfers and issue  a warning… 7 Days, Mr. Toews!: I wonder how long it will be before Toews or one of

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Anonymous not letting up on Toews

Vic Toews, you were warned!: (Text pasted here.) Oh wow.  I didn’t know the mistress was snorting and scarfing at the Public Trough right alongside her Viagra-starched paramour, but am I surprised? Are you? The Toewster’s squeals and bleats about McCarthyesque investigations notwithstanding, my sense is that Anonymous might be

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