Facing Autism in New Brunswick: Autism Speaks Betrays Children, Adults With Severe Autism Disorders: Autism Speaks Blogger Calls Autism A Blessing

Since my 17 year old son was diagnosed with autistic disorder and profound developmental delays (and more recently, like many who share those conditions, with epileptic seizures) little has been done to advance our knowledge of causes, to find treatments or cures for autism disorders.  In terms of our understanding

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Facing Autism in New Brunswick: #autism gene AUTS2 tied to dyslexia ADHD epilepsy ID motor delay microcephaly MORE SYMPTOMS should be part of ASD DX

“Dr. Lynn Waterhouse @autismideasfail 6 Sep http://bit.ly/17WbZVi   #autism gene AUTS2 tied to dyslexia ADHD epilepsy ID motor delay microcephaly MORE SYMPTOMS should be part of ASD DX” The above Tweet by Dr. Lynn Waterhouse, author of Rethinking Autism: Variation and Complexity,  who also worked with Dr. Lorna Wing on the APA DSM-III-R diagnostic criteria

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Facing Autism in New Brunswick: Dear Anna Kennedy: Please Stop Misrepresenting Autism, Autism Is A Health DISORDER NOT a Gift

Anyone  described as “having autism” or “being autistic”  would have received an autism disorder diagnosis  pursuant, in all likelihood, to either the DSM or the ICD  Dear Anna Kennedy My 17 year old son Conor who was diagnosed 15+ years ago with “autistic disorder” (now autism spectrum disorder) and profound developmental delays (

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Facing Autism in New Brunswick: New Brunswick’s Extreme Inclusion Fantasy Harms Some Children With Severe Autism Challenges

Education and Early Childhood Development Minister Jody Carr   EECD/NBACL Event Focus on Inclusion: Walking in our shoes. Minister Carr spoke for 40 minutes, repeating the word  inclusion 30 – 40 times but never mentioning  evidence based  accommodation of individual needs and challenges  Premier David Alward’s government has transferred control over New Brunswick education

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Facing Autism Symptoms in New Brunswick: UNDERdiagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorders in Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities

A study presented at the IMFAR 2012 conference this spring in Toronto, Underdiagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorders in Individuals with Intellectual Disabilies, seems to provide evidence contradicting the widely propagated assertion that the DSM-IV era has seen autism incorrectly diagnosed as a substitute  diagnosis in many cases of intellectual disability.

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Facing Autism Disorders in New Brunswick: Autism Research Bias, Autism’s Outcasts And The DSM5 Autism Do-Over: Shame on the APA

Four years ago, in Autism’s Outcasts, I wrote about the exclusion from public consciousness,  and from autism research,  of those with autism and intellectual disabilities.  I am re-posting the research portion of Autism’s Outcasts below. The comment overall talks about the media tendency, as demonstrated at that time by CBC and CNN,

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Facing Autism Disorders in New Brunswick: York University Study Joins Ranks Of Those Raising Questions About The DSM5 Autism Do-Over

In Autism diagnosis change questioned by York University  study Toronto Star Science & Technology Reporter Kate Allen interviews Dr. Adrienne Perry and York University undergraduate student, Azin Taheri, about a study designed by Taheri, with assistance from Dr. Perry, which had been intended to look at how the new DSM-5

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