Facing Autism Disorders in New Brunswick: More Confirmation of Targeted Exclusion of Intellectually Disabled from DSM5 Autism Spectrum Disorder: But NO ONE CARES

Emily Singer has published an article at SFARI, Proposed guidelines won’t miss autism cases, study says, which appears to suggest that persons who would meet DSM-IV PDD-NOS and Asperger’s will “only” be reduced by approximately 10% under DSM5 criteria. The focus, as always, is on the HF end of the

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Facing Autism in New Brunswick: Invisible Real Autistics Suffer While Self Promoters Peddle False View of Autism Disorder As An Alternative, Superior Way of Thinking

Some self promoting, self proclaimed “geeks” are pushing a distorted view of autism disorders as being  the domain of different, even superior, thinkers.  Historical geniuses long dead are often cited as examples of “suspected” autistic thinkers. Of course, the self promoting ideologues do not go so far as to embrace

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Facing Autism in New Brunswick: K.G. v. Dudek (Florida Medicaid Injunction Order): ABA Proven Effective, Medically Necessary Treatment for Autism and Autism Spectrum Disorder

Following are some significant excerpts, including court summaries of expert evidence in the proceeding, and findings of the US District Court in Florida K.G. v. Dudek,  on the status of ABA as a medically necessary, proven effective treatment for Autism and Autism Spectrum Disorder.  The expert evidence as summarized, and

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Facing Autism in New Brunswick: "Thinking" Persons Guide to Autism Issues Proclamation Declaring Autism Speaks Does Not Benefit Autistic People

Some of the people referenced in this post are affiliated with Autism Speaks. TPGA does not consider Autism Speaks an organization that benefits autistic people. -SR I am not sure what constitutes “Thinking”  at the “Thinking” Persons Guide to Autism. The above quote from “SR”, Shannon Des Roches Rosa, precedes a

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Facing Autism in New Brunswick: DSM-5 Autism: Globe & Mail Ignores Invisible Intellectually Disabled Autistics, Dr. Yeargin-Allsopp’s Vast Majority

Canada’s Globe & Mail is late to the discussion, once again, of major autism issues. This time, Parents of autistic kids fear diagnostic changes will mean reduced services, the Globe is parroting the concerns of the major US corporate media over the possible impact of the DSM-5’s New Autism Spectrum Disorder on

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Facing Autism in New Brunswick: DSM-5 Autistic Spectrum Disorder Disaster By Kim Oakley Should Be Mandatory Reading For The DSM-5 Committees

I have great respect for Kim Oakley  a California mother who has been honestly and courageously documenting her severely autistic son’s self-injurious behavior on Youtube, Classic Autism kgaccount’s channel,  for several years.  Within the past year she has also begun  a blog, Autism, Epilepsy and Self-Injurious Behavior, on which she presents her

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Facing Autism in New Brunswick: Study Confirms DSM-5 Autism Spectrum Disorder Excludes Low Functioning, Intellectually Disabled Autistics

The abstract following is for the article  Testing the Construct Validity of Proposed Criteria for DSM-5 Autism Spectrum Disorder, authors William P.L. Mandy, D.Clin.Psy., Tony Charman, Ph.D., David H. Skuse, M.D.Accepted 21 October 2011. published online 05 December 2011. The study participants were 708 children and young persons who had mild to

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