Terahertz: Religion as a dirty word

Any headline in the form of a question can be dismissed with the simplest answer (which is also typically no). Case in point, a Victoria Times-Columnist blog asks “Has religion become a dirty word?“ It argues that Victoria, BC, with a non-religious population of 51% according to Statistics Canada’s 2011

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Terahertz: Is the Humanist brand dying?

It’s no secret that the term humanism (or secular humanism) have never really taken off. Simply ask a random sampling of people on the street and you’ll likely be met with blank stares. Now regardless of the utility of a word, I think it’s important for organizations to choose language

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Christmas? I do Xmas

One of the traditions of the holiday season is lamenting about the corruption of Christmas by commercialization or by foreign cultures that have invaded our pristine Christian shores. I have always been amused by these complaints, first because in my family’s tradition, Christianity has never intruded on our celebration and

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