Birth Pangs: Anti-Abortion Thought Police

This is not a debate about abortion. This is about a fundamental right to make choices about our sexuality — without the encroachment of a president, the Supreme Court, and certainly without the encroachment of politicians! Faye Wattleton may want to add doctors and nurses to that list. Ms. Taylor became light-headed and fell down […]

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DTK: Meanwhile in Oklahoma: Assholes

They made a law that women undergoing an abortion must have an ultrasound – possibly an invasive vaginal one – before having the abortion. During the procedure, the person doing the ultrasound is required to describe the fetus out loud. If that doesn’t make it clear – if it wasn’t

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DTK: Meanwhile in Oklahoma: Assholes

They made a law that women undergoing an abortion must have an ultrasound – possibly an invasive vaginal one – before having the abortion. During the procedure, the person doing the ultrasound is required to describe the fetus out loud. If that doesn’t make it clear – if it wasn’t

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