Coren is a moron

…that much was clear long before his rancid race-baiting rant about the Tottenham riots, projectile-vomited at anyone who happened to be dozing, bored to tears, in front of a TV tuned to Brian Lilley’s show on Sun News last week.  Stand back!  Incoming! Hoho.  Black-berries, Black-thuggies.  Cute. Many found Coren’s stinky little diatribe offensive in […]

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Back away slowly, Canada…

Potential next President of the USA: CrazyEyes, come on down! Yes.  It’s true. And amidst the squirming-like-a-toad insanity that’s been holding the collective USian brain in its grip lately, it could happen… a lot more easily than we probably think. Saner people are already making a mad dash for the exits, raising the Batshit Index […]

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Law is Cool: Constructive dismissal

Recently, I consulted a client who was in a conflict with a few co-workers. Let’s call him Jack. My client told me they did not like him. Jack received emails accusing him of poor communication skills and mistakes in the performance of his work duties. Jack convinced me that the accusations were groundless. He believed […]

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Stevie Harper’s Conservatives Show Just How Spiteful They Are As They Go After a Widow Of an Asbestos Victim

Yep, no holds barred with this gang of miscreants. That asbestos lobby is just so damned important to them that they won’t let a widow of a man who died of asbestos related mesothelioma get in the way of their agenda.  They’re going after her for the use of their contempt party logo.

. . . → Read More: Stevie Harper’s Conservatives Show Just How Spiteful They Are As They Go After a Widow Of an Asbestos Victim

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