Ethical Oil? Puhleeze!

I just finished watching Inside Politics with Evan Solomon.  In this episode, he’s speaking with John Bennett of the Sierra Club and Kathryn Marshall of Ethical (sic) Oil.  I turned off the player about 8 minutes in.  Ms. Marshall was too much for me.  And I mean it. Too.  Much. 

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Slouching Towards A Big-Ass State Of Petro.

HewersOfWoodCarriersOfWaterAndSqueezersOfRock NewlyMiddleEasternVille As Boris over at The Galloping Beaver points out – we already have a lot of the pillars in place to become a Petro-addled Banana State, what with our…. “….military glorification and the princeling ministers with their Quadaffi-esque sense of entitlement….“ And just in case you thought we

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