Far and Wide: Pre-Mature Verdicts

I’ve been utterly amazed at how many supposed political “experts”, pundits, observers, have been so quick to pass judgement on the robo-call affair. There is a dismissive tone, intertwined with some sort of misplaced arrogance, that thinks the electorate fits into some neat theorem. There is a reason all study

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FOI For BeeCee…A New World Record!

AllTheFreedomOfInformationThatDoesn’tFit RedactEverythingVille And The Record Is 1,751. Number of FOI requests by one person? ….Nope. Number for FOI requests aimed at one government department? ….Nope. Number of FOI requests involving other FOI requests that were never answered? …Who knows, that’s top secret? Number of pages completely redacted from Ian Reid’s

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Blunt Objects: Can someone explain?

I’m offended as anyone else at the robocalls scandal, but this picture, put up recently by Saskboy and apparently influenced by the, erm, objective website Rabble.ca, deserves some explanation before I explode it all into tiny little dust particles. I mean, it’s pretty obvious something’s wrong, right? How do you

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Morton's Musings: Supreme Court this morning: "lawyers should not be expected to behave like verbal eunuchs. They not only have a right to speak their minds freely, they arguably have a duty to do so. But they are constrained …to do so with dignified restraint"

Doré v. Barreau du Québec 2012 SCC 12 deals with the right of lawyers to express themselves freely but their duty to use that right of expression in a professional manner.  A lawyer was strongly, and perhaps ill-advisedly, criticized by a judge.  The lawyer then wrote a private letter to

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