Van Dongen’s Most Interesting ‘W’.

AllMayNotBeAsItSeems WhoCaresVille The 5 W’s of John van Dongen’s floor crossing… The Who? Well, ya, he clearly took aim at the (not)Premier….But do not forget the following…. Because while I unequivocally agree that a public inquiry is fully warranted, the $6 million thing was most definitely NOT hatched on her

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Casting genius: Jane Fonda to play Nancy Reagan in new flick

Most casting decisions these days are flat out puzzling. Take the upcoming ‘On the Road’ for example. Playing the lumberjack all-American Kerouac is a ferrit-faced Brit. The voluptuous MaryLou is played by androgynous Kristen Stewart. Empty-headed Kirsten Dunst is tackling sophisticated Carolyn Cassady. It’s all a bit of a maddening casting-against-type horror story.

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Dziekanski killer convicted

One of Robert Dziekanski’s killers finally ran out of luck this week. He now has a criminal conviction—even if it’s for a different matter entirely, one that I first blogged about here, and much later here. Nevertheless, the public should probably count its blessings. Briefly, a drunken RCMP Corporal Monty

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For the Seriously Lazy

I’m not just talking about people who like to sleep in, or lounge in their La-Z-Boy®, or let the dog out of their truck half a mile from home so Rover can chase them the rest of the way and they can say they’ve “walked the dog”.  No, I’m talking

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BigCityLib Strikes Back: Sounds Yummy

The Barrie Examiner has a real weeper about the fate of the Ontario horse-racing industry if the McGuinty Gov.  eliminates the slots-at-tracks agreement.  It ends with: “It is a grim situation. If these horses aren’t making the owners money, they’ll have to sell them,” he [Essa Township horseman Stephen Byron] said. “What

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