Warren Kinsella: Hebert on Charest

Quote: “…every federal party would kill to get its hands on a proven federalist campaigner who can bring in 50 Quebec seats after three gruelling mandates.” See? I’m not crazy. Hebert agrees. If he gets through the inquiry intact, he’s viable. The Liberal Party of Canada would do very, very

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Warren Kinsella: Tuned out

Steve, whose stuff I read religiously, had this amazing tweet a few minutes ago: Canadians spent 28.5 hours a week watching TV last year, says CRTC, up half hour from last year. — Steve Ladurantaye (@sladurantaye) September 4, 2012 I find that amazing. A day a week! Who has time

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Warren Kinsella: “Liberal Who”

Seriously, why does anyone give a rat’s ass? The North of the Queensway commentariat are all a-Twitter about it this morning, comme toujours. (Their bitchy solipsism drive me nuts, which is why I don’t read them any more. But that’s a story for another day.) A few weeks back, when

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Warren Kinsella: Today

Today is: 1. A great Smashing Pumpkins song; 2. The day before school starts; 3. The day before the anniversary of Brian Mulroney’s 1984 win, and the last time folks opined the Liberal Party is dead; 4. The day before the PQ wins in Quebec, and our politics get all

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Warren Kinsella: What-ever

Says the guy who gives paid speeches to the Manning Institute. When will the clichéd MSM understand that no one thinks they don’t have an agenda? NO ONE. That’s why I actually like working for Sun News. They are what they are, and they don’t ever pretend to lack bias.

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