Warren Kinsella: Father’s Day.

 One by one they were all becoming shades. Better pass boldly into that other world, in the full glory of some passion, than fade and wither dismally with age. Twenty years ago right about now, my brother Kevin called me from Kingston General Hospital to tell me that our father

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Warren Kinsella: My latest: Hamas U.

Their heroes take hostages. So, now, they’re doing likewise. Right now, today, that’s what us happening at California State University in Los Angeles: a pro-Hamas gang – after illegally occupying university property for weeks – have taken hostages. As I write this, somewhere between 50 and 100 “protestors” have blocked

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Warren Kinsella: My latest: a rally for sanity

Fifty thousand people. Fifty thousand! By any standard, that’s a lot. That’s about the population of Belleville, Ont. or Saint-Hyacinthe, Que.! This week’s Walk for Israel was perhaps the biggest event of its type – ever. Bigger than the Covid-era protests, bigger than the Black Lives Matter rallies, bigger –

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Warren Kinsella: The hidden hand

There are two wars. The Oct. 7 Israel-Hamas war, which Israel will win. Hamas will be crippled for years to come. The other war started Oct. 8. It is the global propaganda war that seeks to delegitimize and isolate Israel and destabilize the West. We are losing that war.

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