Warren Kinsella: All about Eve: the reviews are in

…and the reviews aren’t so good.  Mine, for what it’s worth, is appended at the end. Feel free to add yours in comments. Andrew Coyne, Post: “Justin Trudeau delivers a crawlingly demeaning performance while welcoming Eve Adams…feigned high-mindedness…gut-emptying shame…particularly painful…jaw-dropping self-abasement..For [Conservative secrets], Mr. Trudeau would endure any indignity.” Chantal

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Warren Kinsella: A reader writes

(And, for clarity’s sake, I wasn’t denied in the “green light” process – I simply didn’t bother. Life’s too short, etc.) Warren: Here’s one of the things pissing me off about the eve Adams thing: 1) you don’t get green lit because you’ve been critical of the lpc 2) but

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