Accidental Deliberations: Wednesday Afternoon Links

Miscellaneous material for your mid-week reading. – Kate Raworth discusses the need to orient ourselves toward measures of progress based on well-being rather than growth – both due to its being intrinsically more important, and more sustainable under conditions of dwindling environmental resources. And Sonali Kolhatkar laments the U.S.’ choice –

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Accidental Deliberations: Monday Morning Links

Assorted content to start your week. – Leslie Sattler discusses new research showing that carbon concentrations are continuing to increase by record amounts. David King writes about the immediate and large-scale changes needed to avert an imminent climate catastrophe. And Mohammed Muizzi writes about the existential threat facing the Maldives and

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Accidental Deliberations: Thursday Afternoon Links

This and that for your Thursday reading. – Simon Torracinta reviews Branko Milanovic’s Visions of Inequality in tracing historical conversations in inequality, while pointing out the importance of identifying power dynamics as a root cause. And Natalia Junquera talks to Gary Stevenson about the systematic forces serving to funnel wealth toward the rich

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Accidental Deliberations: Tuesday Morning Links

This and that for your Tuesday reading. – Oliver Milman discusses a new study showing that the costs of a climate breakdown roughly approximate what it would take to fight a domestic war in perpetuity. Sarah Waldrip examines the relationship between climate change and unexplained changes in oceanic tides as yet another

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Accidental Deliberations: Sunday Morning Links

Assorted content for your long weekend reading. – Max Fawcett laments that anti-vaxxers and science denialists have managed to control public policy choices in the midst of a pandemic with many more public health threats looming. And Jessica Wildfire writes about the collective amnesia that’s served to eliminate attention to

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Accidental Deliberations: Wednesday Afternoon Links

Miscellaneous material for your mid-week reading. – Sueellen Campbell highlights how record-breaking temperatures are being covered around the globe, while Sarah Collins discusses new research showing that the northern hemisphere’s summer of 2023 was the hottest in millenia. And Qi Zhao et al. examine the growing death toll from heatwaves around

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