Anti-Racist Canada: The ARC Collective: Hamilton, Halifax, and More on Pegida Rally in Toronto With Special Appearance by a Former Canadian Nazi Party Leader

ARC spent the weekend covering the Pegida rally in Toronto and counter-protest as well as the events that resulted afterward, however we neglected other important news of the day. In Hamilton, the Yellow Vesters continued to protest outside city hall as they’ve done since the winter. The extremists who attacked

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Anti-Racist Canada: The ARC Collective: Violence After Pegida March: Northern Guard Attack Counter-Protester an Rick Boswick Admits to Assaulting People

Well, this didn’t take long: As counter-protesters were making sure the fascists left the downtown, this video shows two members of the Northern Guard assaulting one of them. ARC has heard of a number of instances of counter-protesters being isolated at attacked. One evidently ended up in the hospital. Rick

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Anti-Racist Canada: The ARC Collective: Identifying Hamilton Homophobes, Yellow Vests, and Canadian Nationalist Party Members: We Have Photos

There has been more media coverage of the assaults that took place at the Pride event in Hamilton this past Saturday: Mayor Fred Eisenberger wants to make sure violence at Hamilton Pride festival never happens again  Right-wing and religious extremists converged on Saturday’s Gage Park Pride celebration leading to violence

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