Accidental Deliberations: Monday Afternoon Links

Miscellaneous material for your Monday reading. – Mariana Mazzucato comments on the triple crisis facing our current economic system, and the importance of addressing health, environmental and economic disasters alike. – Shannon Daub writes that it’s entirely counterproductive to withhold coronavirus relief from charities and non-profits until their resources have

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Accidental Deliberations: On stitches in time

It’s no secret that Canadians’ individual finances have been getting perpetually more precarious, with most people lacking the ability to fund even a single urgent expense. But the COVID-19 pandemic has exposed what happens when the fragile finances of large numbers of individuals shatter all at once. And while our

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Accidental Deliberations: Saturday Morning Links

Assorted content for your weekend reading. – Grace Blakeley points out the importance of putting our relief and recovery funding toward public investments, rather than the further enrichment of people with already-appalling concentrations of wealth: We cannot rely on this crisis to undermine the ideology of shareholder value, which has

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