
Canada West Foundation…

… endorses Trudeau’s Senate move… <sound of Trashy passing out on the floor> Some “first” here: First time the words “west” “endorses” “Trudeau” have even been seen in the same…

The Cons have no shame

They are actually high jacking the announcement of the Canadian Olympic men’s hockey team and are making it a political moment. Un-freaking believable. Is there no depth that they won’t…

E Day à Montréal!

Thinking of my bro-in-law this afternoon as the polls close in about 5 hours across Quebec. It’s municipal election time and Steve Shanahan will make a GREAT city Councillor! As…


#Harperisscrewed #trashyishappy #itwasjustamatteroftime #whathappenswhenyouthrowsomeoneunderabus #politicsofcynicism #harperknew (2) Trashy, Ottawa, Ontario

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