The Disaffected Lib: What’s the Chance of a Northern Gateway Supertanker Disaster? Try 93-99%

Simon Fraser University has released a study of the likelihood of an environmental catastrophe from the Harper/Enbridge Northern Gateway bitumen pipeline/supertanker scheme.   Not surprisingly, their conclusions aren’t quite as carefree and rosy as those put out by Enbridge. The chance of a bitumen supertanker disaster during the operating lifespan of

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The Disaffected Lib: First He Gagged the Public Service and the Armed Forces. Now It’s the RCMP, the Royal Conservative Mounted Police.

The Harper government seems to have politically captured the RCMP. One of the most astonishing abuses of democracy perpetrated by the Harper conservatives has been the “capture” of Canada’s public service and armed forces and their transformation into partisan political agencies of the PMO. Harper quickly moved to isolate the

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