Dead Wild Roses: The DWR Sunday Religious Disservice – For Those Times When Starting At Square One Isn’t Sufficient :(

One always hopes to find argument in the religious arsenal that is somehow more compelling than: “I believe in X, and that is enough”.  The argument portrayed here might be considered ground zero for the silliness the religiously deluded foist upon others in order to win them over to their cause. I didn’t think we’d […]

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Dead Wild Roses: The Toxic Geopolitics of the Middle East – Richard Falk

Taken from his essay on Counterpunch called Slouching Toward Global Disaster. “Toxic Geopolitics It is impossible to understand and explain such a disastrous failure of military interventionism without considering the effects of two toxic ‘special relationships’ formed by the United States, with Israel and Saudi Arabia. The basic feature of such special relationships is an […]

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Dead Wild Roses: On Violence – Alicen Gray

“It’s painful when I hear/see quotes from men, waxing poetic about how violent and inhumane “we” “humans” are “to each other”. When historically and globally, males account for the vast, vast majority of violence. Mostly against women. I used to wonder, how could these men – fancying themselves profound and in-on Truth – possibly call […]

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