Regan Wolfrom: Manitoba’s Gambling Habit

Manitoba is hooked on gambling.  No, I’m not talking about the NDP’s bizarre understanding of balanced budgets, or the risk of relying too much on federal transfer payments… I’m talking about the actual gambling, specifically the casinos. The Addictions Foundation of Manitoba  (AFM) has a website called  This is part of the concept that […]

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Regan Wolfrom: The Big Disraeli Plan: Four Years Late

“I must follow the people. Am I not their leader?” – 19th century British statesman and Winnipeg freeway namesake Benjamin Disraeli. A few bloggers (Graham the rabblerouser and the ever-mysterious Black Rod) have mentioned that some citizens, including myself, had brought plans forward regarding the Disraeli Bridges Project.  My plan, based on conversations with literally […]

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