Owen Gray

A Buffoon’s Progress

Lawrence Martin writes, in today's Globe and Mail, that:If you were picking the most valuable player on Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s front bench, you wouldn’t be far off in pointing…

A Country For Old Men

On Tuesday, at the Museum of Civilization, David Frum argued in favour of the proposition that Pierre Trudeau was "Canada's most disastrous prime minister:"Pierre Trudeau was a spending fool. He…

Marching Backward

When it comes to foreign policy, Canada has traveled a great distance since Stephen Harper became Prime Minister. Lester Pearson would not recognize his country.There was no greater supporter of…

Black Is White

Janice Kennedy has accurately described what has happened to Canada during the Harper years. She writes that "a good country is being turned into a sad joke." Reviewing Stephen Harper's…

The New Normal

Lawrence Martin has an interesting rejoinder to Stephen Harper's claim that -- economically speaking -- Canada is at the head of the G8 pack. If you look at Canada's economic…

A Just Society?

The phrase was Pierre Trudeau's, and it caught on. Canadians like to think of themselves as citizens of a Just Society. Certainly, they believe, things are better here than in…

And So It Begins

As The House of Commons opens its doors after the summer recess, John Ibbitson writes in this morning's Globe and Mail that:Nothing on the fall agenda should surprise anyone. Most…

Top Down

The central tenet of trickle down economics is that the benefits of strong support for those at the top of the system will eventually drip down to those at the…

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