Owen Gray

Hell Hath No Fury

When Helena Geurgis melted down almost two years ago at the Charlottetown Airport, she received little sympathy. When she was asked to take off her boots for a security screening,…

Lies and Damned Lies

The Harper Conservatives refused to admit that they were spreading misinformation when they told the constituents of Mount Royal that Irwin Cotler’s retirement was imminent. But the prime minister claims…

Our Third World

Anyone who has been to a northern reserve knows that Attawapiskat is not an aberration. Bob Rae is right. Northern native communities are “our third world.” And it’s most revealing…

Punishing the Young

At Durban two weeks ago, a young woman rose and addressed the delegates: I speak for more than half the world’s population,” declared Anjali Appadurai of Maine’s College of the…

Fuddle Dudde Encore

Justin Trudeau had his fuddle duddle moment yesterday. When Environment Minister Peter Kent responded to Megan Leslie’s criticism of the Conservatives performance at Durban by saying she had no right…

Bait and Switch

Stephen Harper claimed that, with a majority, his government could focus — laser like — on the Canadian economy. But since their return to Parliament Hill, the Conservatives have paid…

What’s A Border For?

Perhaps it was inevitable. Historians for a long time now have been predicting Canada’s eventual integration into the American Empire. The agreement which Stephen Harper and Barack Obama signed last…

Abuse of Power

Jennifer Ditchburn reports this morning that, having installed a new unilingual auditor general, the Conservatives would rather not hear from him: Five different individuals – inside and outside Auditor-General Michael…

Canada At Durban

David Olive writes in today’s Toronto Star that Canada has many “firsts” to its credit: First in North America with universal health care and prudent branch banking. First on this…

Morally Adrift

There has always been an unpleasant stench of righteousness about the Harper Conservatives. I use the word “stench,” because they so obviously do not practise what they preach. They lack…

Behold The Party

When Peter Van Loan admitted this week in the House that the Conservative Party had been behind a campaign to spread the rumour that Irwin Cotler was resigning, he did…

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