Northern Reflections: Fathers And Sons

In the wake of Mitt Romney’s eight vote win in Iowa, Maureen Dowd offers a column on the volatile relationship between fathers and sons: “American politics,” she writes,”bristles with Oedipal drama:” Sons struggling to live up to fathers. Sons striving to outdo fathers. Sons scheming to avenge fathers. Sons burning

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Northern Reflections: Lies and Damned Lies

The Harper Conservatives refused to admit that they were spreading misinformation when they told the constituents of Mount Royal that Irwin Cotler’s retirement was imminent. But the prime minister claims that opponents of the Tar Sands are spreading misinformation about Canada’s gold producing tar pit. As Michael Harris writes at

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Northern Reflections: Our Third World

Anyone who has been to a northern reserve knows that Attawapiskat is not an aberration. Bob Rae is right. Northern native communities  are “our third world.” And it’s most revealing that  the Harper government’s first response to the tragedy at Attawapiskat was, as Tim Harper wrote last week, to “send

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Northern Reflections: Bait and Switch

Stephen Harper claimed that, with a majority, his government could focus — laser like — on the Canadian economy. But since their return to Parliament Hill, the Conservatives have paid no attention to the economy. Instead, they have passed legislation to abolish the Canadian Wheat Board; they passed their omnibus

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