IN-SIGHTS: Build—maintain—lose

The possibility of Corus Entertainment Inc. disappearing may astound people. However, there is a common pattern following intergenerational transfers of business interests. Reuter’s Chris Taylor reported: 70 percent of wealthy families lose their wealth by the second generation, and a stunning 90 percent by the third…

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IN-SIGHTS: Racing toward danger

MIT’s Dr. Peter S. Park and academics associated with the Center for AI Safety examined deception by Artificial Intelligence. They conclude that increased capabilities of AI pose a serious risk and computers are now capable of inducing false beliefs and encouraging harmful outcomes…

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IN-SIGHTS: Megaproject madness

Professor Bent Flyvbjerg, Executive Chairman and co-founder of Oxford Global Projects has written about proponents getting large undertakings approved by using “strategic misrepresentation” when they conjure up budgets. Strategic misrepresentation is the planned, systematic distortion or misstatement of fact — lying — in response to incentives in the budget.

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