Pop The Stack: Disturbing Censusgate News

Two disturbing articles on the census today: The first collects together a few comments from people who know Harper and his people well about how they hope to use prolonged presence in government to change the public ethic, the culture of Canada towards a Libertarian philosophy.  I don’t think this is always as conscious as […]

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Pop The Stack: No, wait, I got a dumber one!

I am endlessly surprised by the creativity the Conservative government is putting into explaining why their irrational, scientifically unsound decision to scrap the mandatory long form census is really A-OK.  This one comes from none other than Minister Doris Day himself: “All we’re saying is, people shouldn’t be threatened with jail because they don’t want […]

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Pop The Stack: Censusgate Continues

Two comments on the ongoing censusgate saga: The Chief Statistician has resigned his position in light of the dispute: Fantastic, good for him. He should have done it sooner but it seems last night’s ‘clarifying’ interview with Minister Clement pushed him over the edge.  The Minister pointed out that some people at StatsCan believe the […]

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Pop The Stack: An Economist Who Doesn’t Want More Data? UCalgary Called, they Want their Degree Back.

Witness Prime Minister Stephen Harper, the first non-lawyer to lead this great nation since Lester B. Pearson. Bachelors and Masters degrees in Economics from the fabled University of … Calgary. He dropped out of UofT. And Witness Tony Clement, proud UofT graduate in Political Science and Law and one of the architects of Mike Harris’ Common Sense […]

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Pop The Stack: Could Coalition Be Used to Get the Bloc to Stop Being Separatists?

Great point by Chrystal on Lessons on Framing – Coalition Governments As important as the question regarding whether the Liberal Party and NDP would consider being part of a coalition government is whether the Conservative Party would. Why are virtually all media, journalists, other writers and democratic reformers ignoring this? Just because Canadians won’t vote in […]

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