
How Do We Define Ourselves?

Given the ongoing dust up between the great folks over at DAMMIT JANET and the administrators of Progressive Bloggers, I have been giving considerable thought as to how to define…

Time To Speak Up On Choice

Conservative MP Stephen Woodworth is trying his darnedest these days to see womens right to choose curtailed, even entirely overturned if he had his way. While the Cons would like…

A Conspiracy Theory

While it is good to finally know the identity of the coward whose infamous boot is featured prominently in this iconic photo from the #G20 police riot in Toronto, it…

Terminology Matters

There is a saying “Tell me how you’ll measure me and I’ll tell you how I’ll behave” If so then we shouldn’t be surprised when political operatives working out of…

Let Them Drink Bitumen

Thanks to a question placed on the order paper by the Liberals we now know that the number of First Nations communities under drinking water advisories has increased nearly 40%…

Debunking Anti-Union Myths

In this first installment of a promising series of videos York University professor Dr. Stephanie Ross eviscerates the myth and right wing neoliberal meme that unions are no longer needed…

Sedative For The Masses

Lately we have been inundated with news reports about billionaires like Bill Gates and Warren Buffet opining on inequity and the need for higher taxes on the rich,with the latest…

Dumb on crime indeed

Much of Harper’s “tough” on crime agenda has been described as dumb and that is particularly true in the area of parole or supervised release. Inmates in our prison system…

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