mark a rayner: Sex with Sue

“Hi there Jeremy, you’re on the air.” “Hi Sue. Long-time listener, first-time caller. I’m a big fan.” “Thanks Jeremy, what did you want to talk about?” “What if she’s not into your face?” “In what way? Kissing?” “No, like sitting on it in a way that she delivers up her

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mark a rayner: Anxious Queue

At the Skywalker Ranch, there was always a long lineup for the Princess Leia Ride, even when Stacy and her “Umbrella of Truth” was working it. Alltop would never tell a lie. Cloud City Garrison – The Portrait Sessions, originally uploaded by LukeOlsen.

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The Skwib: Reassuring Fictions

In times like these, you may believe that all is well. You may enjoy watching the Olympics, eating spam, or perhaps you have many Norwegian friends. You may have the feeling that we live in the best of possible worlds. Given the possibilities, the vagaries of quantum mechanics, perhaps, you think to yourself, everything is […]

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