Toronto Star: TekSavvy customers are offline – and they say the blame lies with network operators

Have you heard about the challenges facing some customers of independent Internet Service Provider TekSavvy? TekSavvy, a leading independent service provider with a customer-base of 235,000 subscribers nationwide, rents network space from Big Telecom. According to TekSavvy, the fact that many of their customers are currently offline is not acceptable

Continue reading James Moore’s nationwide tour is further evidence that government is starting to listen to Canadians on cell phone policy

Canadians have been speaking out for wireless choice and affordability for years now and, after years of telecommunications policy neglect, it looks like the government is finally starting to listen. Industry Minister James Moore has embarked on a nationwide tour to defend his government’s policies in response to Big Telecom’s

Continue reading Confirmed: Canadians pay some of the highest prices for some of the worst telecom service in the industrialized world

The OECD have just released their 2013 Communications Outlook – a heavyweight independent report that offers a detailed examination of the state of telecommunications across the world’s leading 34 industrialized countries. The report confirms what pretty much everyone already knew – that Canadians do indeed pay some of the highest

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