Zorg Report: Justice Lampooned — Media Covers the Shafia Sentencing — America Shames Canada and Britain

Justice Lampooned  —  Media Covers the Shafia Sentencing  — America Shames Canada and Britain First up, the always bemused and inarticulate Andrew whatshishead on CBCNN, utterly out of his depth and dismayingly inarticulate.  He was joined by a greasy-headed kid named D’Souza, who embarrassed second-year journalism students everywhere with his

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Zorg Report: Jim Flaherty Urges Lower Mortgage Rates; Insists Banking Sector Needs Freedom from Government Constraints

Jim Flaherty Urges Lower Mortgage Rates; Insists Banking Sector Needs Freedom from Government Constraints November 13, 2014 (CP) – Daniel Zorg Former Ontario and Canada finance minister Jim Flaherty today announced that Canada’s banking sector must be able to operate with complete freedom, without any government meddling.  Having left office

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Zorg Report: Canada’s Conservative Stephen Harper Government Emulates, Flatters, and Praises by Imitation Assad, Kim Jong-il, Various Dictators, and Anti-Christian Fellow Travellers

The story: Canada’s Minister of Natural Resources, Joe Oliver, has become the latest politician to blame the United States for problems affecting his own country.  At issue is the so-called “Gateway” pipeline from Alberta to British Columbia that, if built, would allow Canada to ship Alberta tar sands products to

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