Calgary Grit: 2013: Year in Review

January: SunTV applies for corporate welfare, arguing that they cannot survive unless the government forces people to watch them. Later this year, they would give Rob and Doug Ford their own show…before cancelling it faster than Lucky 7. Whoever could have guessed this fine young man would find himself at

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Calgary Grit: Wheat Kings

Trudeau was so confident in the wake of the Forum poll, that he started waving “Vote PC” signs on the campaign trail. On the surface, nothing really happened last night. The Liberals held two safe seats and the Conservatives held two safe seats. Yes, they were counting ballots until late

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Calgary Grit: He sees nothing

Stephen Harper adds “Sargent Schultz” to his list of impersonations PM didn’t know staff asked Conservative Party to pay Duffy’s expenses: spokesperson Prime Minister Stephen Harper had no idea his staff had asked the Conservative Party to pay Sen. Mike Duffy’s ineligible expenses, his spokesperson said Sunday. In an interview

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Calgary Grit: The 2015 Tory Playbook

Step 1: Inherit igloo in working orderStep 2: Break roofStep 3: Write compelling narrative about how you fixed igloo We got a good reminder today of why it would be foolish to write off the Conservatives in 2015: Conservatives’ new surplus forecast: $3.7-billion for election year Ottawa’s fall economic update

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Calgary Grit: Trick or Treat

New Liberal fundraising tactics Yeah, so it likely wasn’t the most exciting political news of the day, but the quarter 3 fundraising numbers are out, and the story is all good for the Liberals who have had more unique donors than the Conservatives since Trudeau took over. Yes, they’re still

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