Facing Autism Disorders in New Brunswick: ASfAR Early Autism Intervention Review: ABA Only Autism Intervention to Receive Highest Rating of E: Established Based on Evidence

The Australasian Society for Autism Research has just released “A Review of the Research to Identify the Most Effective Models of Practice in Early Intervention for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders” which assesses the research evidence in support of the various early autism interventions and rates the interventions according to

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Facing Autism Disorders in New Brunswick: Neurodiversity Author and Ideologue Steve Silberman ALMOST Acknowledges Low Functioning vs High Functioning Autism Reality

Neurodiversity autism author and ideologue Steve Silberman ALMOST acknowledged the common sense reality of differences in autism function levels but at the last minute he turned and walked away once again. In an article at Scientific American  titled Contributors Lee Billings and Steve Silberman talk autism, space travel, and extraterrestrial

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Facing Autism Disorders in New Brunswick: More Confirmation of Targeted Exclusion of Intellectually Disabled from DSM5 Autism Spectrum Disorder: But NO ONE CARES

Emily Singer has published an article at SFARI, Proposed guidelines won’t miss autism cases, study says, which appears to suggest that persons who would meet DSM-IV PDD-NOS and Asperger’s will “only” be reduced by approximately 10% under DSM5 criteria. The focus, as always, is on the HF end of the

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Facing Autism Disorders in New Brunswick: Dear Honourable Ministers: Conor Has Voted Again for Flexible, Meaningful Inclusion, Alternative Learning Arrangements

Conor, anxious to get to Leo Hayes High School, to the resource center with other challenged kids for socialization, and to his individual learning area for his ABA based instruction, watches the clock this morning. Conor votes YES for flexible inclusion with meaningful access to learning. Minutes before departure Conor,

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Facing Autism Disorders in New Brunswick: Autism Research Community’s Failing Grades: Vocational Interventions Research

“In the end, the researchers found only five studies that focused on vocational interventions. While this handful of studies looked at certain on-the-job programs designed to support young adults with autism and suggest these “interventions” can improve quality of life and reduce symptoms of autism, the study authors concluded, “all

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Facing Autism Disorders in New Brunswick: Guilty! Autism Blame from Cold Moms to Old Dads

Breaking Science News: Guilty! Old Dads convicted of causing children’s autism disorders, all charges dropped against environmental toxins! Once upon a time the medical community accepted without critical analysis the speculation that aloof, cold “refrigerator” moms caused their children’s autism disorders. Eventually that so called theory was exposed as a

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