The LPC Biennial Convention: We (& affiliates) will be there with full coverage!

We’ve received in email our “Bloggers Welcome Note” for the LPC Biennial Convention (#‎Lib14‬ on Twitter, as well as on here, we will be trying to use/encourage our bloggers to use #Lib14 in their tags on their blogs, so people can search for them easier at our main site) that runs from Feb 20-23 in Montreal. Progressive Bloggers will of course be highlighting pictures and tweets and blogposts that we do at the Biennial, as well as those of our affiliates, where we can.

Jim Calder – a moderator of Prog Blog, blogger at Progressive Right ( and our main admin for doing events like this and getting our pics up on Tumblr, myself (my blog is at and probably Chris Slothouber (our webmaster from afar) will be aiding in that, so look for our blogs/tweets, as well as our affiliates, as we highlight what’s going on at the Biennial. I’m pleased to see bloggers have full access to all plenary sessions, policy resolutions sessions and expert panel sessions, so hopefully we can cover what we feel is most relevant to you, the public, as well as the political nuts.


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